Sunday, July 3, 2011

And Amsterdam

Yesterday afternoon we sat at a cafe and watched everyone roll by. I wish there was a way to describe Amsterdam, and Netherlands in general, so that everyone could experience this place. But I don't think that's really possible. Here's my best attempt for now.


I can read this menu. Almost.

The view (those black things are bike racks, the smooth paving the bike path, and the bricks for walking. oh yeah, and the road).

Every shape, size, and color of people; grey haired grandparents, teenagers, little black girls and boys, women in burkas, shoppers, parents with tiny babies or toddlers or tweens, cyclists all. Plus some motorized wheelchairs and mofas. And that was just the 30 minutes while I took photos, on a quiet street in a residential neighborhood on the outskirts of Amsterdam. You should see the city center at rush hour.

- rolling post

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