Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Time to Catch Up! Again.

Boy we are doing a bad job of being bloggers. The good news is, we're doing great otherwise. Both of us have been busy with our online work, so much so that we are (almost) turning away some jobs. There are only so many hours in the day. This fall and winter we were a little worried that this whole idea - working remotely while house sitting - was not going to bring in the kind of savings we need to be able to ride our bikes all summer again. Fortunately, things are looking better now and we have even started to tentatively plan our route.

So here is one more photo essay, a love letter to Sarlat, France. We spent six weeks in SW France, and were close enough to Sarlat to visit more than once. Don't worry, the next post will be about where we are right now rather than where we have been.

A cloudy and cold day, but full of lovely stone houses, mysterious passageways, and powerful high city walls. Thanks to Anthony and Karen for hosting us and letting us house sit for them while they were away.

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